On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 02:26:13PM +0000, Sabahattin Gucukoglu via isync-devel wrote:
Not that I would wish to prejudice the author(s) of imapsync, another paid tool for IMAP migration, but what would it take for mbsync, whose interface and configuration I much prefer, to be usable for one-way syncs in the fashion of imapsync?

that depends on what exactly is missing from your perspective.

And, yes, I’ll pay for it. As patron, not as customer, you understand. :)

to be pedantic about the terminology, "pay for it" means more or less "cover the real cost of development at market prices". that would be anything from a hundred to a few thousand euros, depending on how much needs to be done. patronage or sponsorship (whether individual or crowd-sourced) would minimally mean "cover subsistence", for a period of time that actually matters. anything less is really just a token of appreciation - which is all fine, but should be kept in mind to manage expectations.

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