Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenha...@gmx.de> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 04:20:54PM -0400, Felipe Alvarez Harnecker. wrote:
>>Dind't find a doc on debugging, so any help would be greatly
> well, the manual has a few matches for "debug", and that's all you get:
> add -D to the command line and re-run. you can mail me the log
> privately.
> you may want to try buliding from git master and trying the new --old
> option once. if that works, we'd have also identified the problem,
> though not how the situation arose (which might be impossible to
> determine at this point).
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Yeah ... i know about -D.

I meant a little description on how mbsync decides which messages to
fetch. I want to avoid read the source code.

Thank you.

Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
 Tel: +56 9 9874 60 17

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