On Thu May 18, 2023 at 21:08, Bence Ferdinandy wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using
>     Channel elte-folders
>     Far :elte-remote:
>     Near :elte-local:
>     Patterns * !Archive !Archívum
>     Channel elte-archive
>     Far ":elte-remote:Archívum"
>     Near ":elte-local:Archive"
> for remapping the Hungarian folder names to English locally for a standardized
> experience across my accounts. I just switched from a flat Archive folder to
> putting older-than-one-year message under Archive/2012 etc. My problem is that
> the above config now created a new folder called Archive on the server. Is
> there any way to solve it that all my yearly folders be called Archívum/2012
> and locally Archive/2012 without manually needing to type out all the far/near
> channels?

RTFM, I just realized you can add Patterns to these "named" channels as well.

  Channel elte-archive
  Far ":elte-remote:Archívum"
  Near ":elte-local:Archive"
  Patterns *

Sorry for the noise.



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