I'm trying to set up NeoMutt with mbsync and I'm having trouble
understanding the Trash feature.

NeoMutt flags e-mails as trashed (`maildir_trash = yes`) and mbsync then
moves them to the Trash mailbox. One bit of trouble I'm having is that
my provider's webmail doesn't show e-mails with the IMAP Deleted tag. So
when NeoMutt tags something as trashed the e-mail is invisible in the
webmail UI, no matter the folder, and mbsync doesn't clear the trashed
flag when moving things to the Trash. Is there a way to do this?

Another thing is when `Expunge Near` (or Both) is set and there's an
e-mail tagged as Deleted in the remote store, the e-mail either doesn't
seem to be synchronized or it is synchronized and immediately expunged
locally maybe? (To test this I deleted the contents of my maildir before
running mbsync each time.) I'd like some help understanding this
behavior. I figured maybe TrashRemoteNew affected this behavior but I
didn't observe a difference when setting that on the local store.

My third problem is I don't understand how to get mbsync to actually
expunge mails when Trash is set. I was expecting the following workflow.

- Tag e-mail as trashed in NeoMutt (d key by default)
- mbsync runs and moves it to Trash mailbox, clearing the trashed flag
- Tag e-mail as trashed in the Trash mailbox
- mbsync runs and expunges the e-mail

But mbsync doesn't clear the trashed flag and clearing and retagging in
NeoMutt doesn't make a difference (logically).

The webmail seems to avoid using the Deleted tag at all, it moves
e-mails to the Trash without the flag when pressing the delete button,
unless the e-mail is already in the Trash, then it's permanently
removed. If this is the behavior I want should I simply configure my
MUAs to move to Trash instead of tagging as trashed, unless an e-mail is
in the Trash mailbox already? I am fairly confused as to what scenarios
mbsync's Trash feature caters to if this is the case though.

Thank you for all the work on mbsync the syncing does seem to work
robustly and quick : )

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