On Sun, Feb 04, 2024 at 04:03:40PM +0100, Peter P. wrote:
So if I am unlucky and mutt on computer1 deletes MessageA as a duplicate
of MessageB...
mutt on computer2 deletes messageB as a duplicate of messageA
I might end up with both messageA and messageB being synced back up to
the imap server?

if by "synced back up" you mean "all copies are gone", then yes. because that's what will happen as a logical consequence of deletion propagation.

i strongly recommend to run de-duplication only in one place at a time.
if you can control delivery on the server, you can use formail -D (possibly in combination with procmail). otherwise, a cron job on one of the clients to auto-purge dupes might be the best solution.

if you never have unsynced states on two machines at the same time, then there is no problem to solve to start with. this is the state you should aim for anyway (to avoid seen the same mails as new), but might be a tall call when it comes to mails being deleted.

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