Den mån 1 apr. 2024 kl 18:54 skrev Henrik Frisk <>:

> Hi,
> I just changed my setup using davmail for syncing and sending my work
> email which just changed to 2F authentication. Sending works fine but I
> can' seem to get mbsynch to want to sync:
> This is the error I'm getting:
> Socket error on ( timeout.
> Processed 1 box(es) in 1 channel(s),
> pulled 0 new message(s) and 0 flag update(s),
> expunged 0 message(s) from near side,
> expunged 0 message(s) from far side.
> This is my mbsyncrc (I likely cause of the error)
> IMAPAccount kmh
> Host
> Port 1143
> User >username>
> PassCmd "security find-generic-password ..."
> TLSType None
> AuthMechs LOGIN
> Any suggestions?
> /Henrik

Hi, posted this a couple of weeks abo and received a sugesstion  from Bence
to remove the PassCmd which I replaced with Pass "". This didn't resolve
the issue however, that I get socket errors. The basic connection through
Davmail works becuase running mbsync triggers a successful login to the

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