On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:55 AM, donanik duck <nald...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Finally, openOffice is not an option at all. It turned out that we don' t
> want to couple our application with another one (openOffice.org). Therefore,
> I am lost. After searching everything that can be searched in the web I find
> no solution. Is there really not a solution for my problem???
> I think I saw somewhere talking about XSL-FO ... How could this help me, if
> it could?
>    ...

The suggestion to rely on XSL-FO I don't understand; I'll leave that to

"Is there really not a solution ..."?  Yes and no; if you need it
open-sourced and coded in Java, well, no, I know of none.  HOWEVER, there
are quite a few RTF->PDF converters, several available at no charge, that
are available specifically for Windows or Linux.  If I understand your
situation, therefore, what's before you is to decide how you feel about
"coupl[ing your] application" with a combination of other ones.

How else *would* a solution look?  Are you making the point that your
organization rejects an external executable, but would be OK with a library?
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