Hello Mike,

On Apr 23, 2010, at 12:55 AM, Mike Marchywka wrote:

> Mark Twain gets to the front so quickly. Again, I'm not suggesting
> you did anything wrong or bad, I haven't actually checked numbers
> or given the specific test a lot of thought- 9 data points is usually
> not all that conclusive in any case and I guess that's my point.
There are 10 means, each mean comes from 1K data points, so there are 10K data 
points for each version tested, not just 9

Unlike other tests of significance, t-test doesn't need a large number of 
observations. It is actually this case of "few observations" e.g. 10 means one 
of its main use-cases. Indeed one would need to check the assumptions of 
independence and normality. Looking at the response times though looks ok 
normal distribution ... I owe you the scatter and QQ plots. I really would not 
expect a Gamma going on but I might be wrong :)

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