On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:18 PM, trumpetinc wrote:
> I like your approach!  A simple if (ch > 32) return false; at the very top
> would give the most bang for the least effort (if you do go the bitmask
> route, be sure to include unit tests!).

Doing this change spares approximately two seconds out of the full workload so 
now shows 8s instead of 10s and isWhitespace stays at 1%.

The numbers below include two extra changes: the one from trumpetinc above and 
migrating all StringBuffer references to use instead StringBuilder.

The top are now:

PRTokeniser.nextToken                  8%   77s     19'268'000  invocations
RandomAccessFileOrArray.read   6%   53s   149'047'680 invocations
MappedRandomAccessFile.read  3%   26s      61'065'680 invocations
PdfReader.removeUnusedCode   1%  15s                 6000 invocations
PdfEncodings.convertToBytes       1%   15s        5'296'207 invocations    
PRTokeniser.nextValidToken        1%    12s       9'862'000 invocations
PdfReader.readPRObject               1%    10s       5'974'000 invocations
ByteBuffer.append(char)                 1%    10s     19'379'382 invocations
PRTokeniser.backOnePosition      1%    10s     17'574'000 invocations
PRTokeniser.isWhitespace             1%    8s       35'622'000 invocations 

A bit further down there is ByteBuffer.append_i that often needs to reallocate 
and do an array copy thus the expensive ByBuffer.append(char) above ... I am 
playing right now with bigger initial sizes e.g. 512 instead of 127 ...    

Best regards,
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