
Hello there - long time listener, first time caller. 

I think I've become the epitome of information overload: after purchasing the 
latest iText in Action (2nd Edition MEAP) 

I have found too many ways of accomplishing my goal, and I think my mixing and 
matching solutions is creating extra work for myself. 

Thus, I turn to you humbly for guidance:

I have a java servlet application for medication note taking. I want to use 

iText to output a sexy PDF. The first page is somewhat more structured than the 

subsequent pages as it has the patient history, etc. The secondary pages will 

have any overflow from the first page and include images, etc. I would like all 

of the secondary pages to have a header, footer, and page number. 

My first approach was attempting to create the page from "scratch" using 

chunks, paragraphs, etc. This seems to give me a ton of control, but I find 

myself tinkering (a ton) to get the layout to work. 

My second approach was to use the PdfStamper with form fields I drew in 

Acrobat. The merge of the structured fields worked great, but I'm stuck with 

the "unstructured" portion of the output getting cut off (since my template is 

only the first page). 

Question - how can I / can I have a page 1 template, and then a page 2+ 

template where anything that overflows from page 1 goes onto page 2+?  

Alternatively -  can I start with a stamper for the first page, then append 

pages to it manually? How would the overflow work? 

I'm sure this is solvable, probably any number of ways.  Just looking for 


Here is the first page of the template (just as a FYI). 

Pages 2+ would have a smaller header/footer, but maintain the 2 columns 

(just in case the first page left column needed to overflow as well).

Thanks in advance!


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