1T3XT info <info <at> 1t3xt.info> writes:

> That's true. I think the problem of the OP is that
> he isn't familiar with the concepts "text mode" vs
> "composite mode" in ColumnText.

My friend - iText is truly amazing, and I support you!

(I have in fact purchased the MEAP version and did search it prior to posting). 

Sometimes google is not our friend. When I searched the book, the examples I

found had lists added to the "document," but I did not see one added to a


When my initial attempt to simply


failed I googled for the failure

and found a posting - possibly outdated - which said, "you can't do that."

So, I posted here. Forgive my n00biness - I did not mean to upset you by any 

I'm reading up on Composite Mode now and it appears to be the answer. 

"He doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells!" 

   - Me in an obscure reference to Demolition Man  

Thank you ALL for creating a community for support.

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