On 9/12/2011 21:55, kbog...@ameritas.com wrote:
I thought I had a workable solution, but populating field values with non-null entries does not give consistent results. Near as I can tell, this has something to do with the "preview" mode of Acrobat reader.


I am not sure, but these articles seem to explain the problem. However, I need to distribute these files to outside clients and I do not have access to their Acrobat installations.

From my limited understanding

I have not being answering any of your questions before because you've been mixing all kinds of things that shouldn't be mixed. Instead of asking a straight and understandable question,you're creating all kinds of distractions. As a result I get lost, and I don't see the actual question.

For instance: you say you don't have access to the Acrobat installations on your clients' machines, yet you refer to knowledge base articles about a product that has nothing to do whatsoever with Acrobat: it's about using the product named Preview on a Mac. That's confusing. Honestly: you've completely lost me after two lines.

In a previous mail I read that you are trying to solve a problem by setting a value " " for each field. Obviously you didn't read the documentation, otherwise you'd have know that this isn't necessary. After changing the properties of a field of which the value doesn't need to be changed, you need to use the method regenerateField(). This is explained in the FAQ on page 248 "I've changed the properties of a field, yet I don't see any changes. Why not?" Isn't that exactly the problem you describe? If not, you weren't clear. If so, why didn't you read that FAQ?

I have no idea why you keep on talking about the needAppearances flag. Why would you need that if you ask iText to create the appearances (either by setting a value for the field or by using regenerateField())?

Does anyone have experience with this type of issue?
Call me stupid, but I don't understand the issue.
You should rephrase your question so that it has:
- only two lines of maximum 20 words, no distractions!
- one PDF demonstrating the problem, and
- one screen shot showing the issue.
All the rest is only causing confusion.
I'm willing to help you, but you have to cut all the irrelevant stuff in order to stop confusing me.
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