On 6/04/2012 7:13, Yadhagiri Chilukuri wrote:

HI ,

I got this exception what are the situation came this exception :

com.lowagie.text.exceptions.IllegalPdfSyntaxException: Unbalanced save/restore state operators

give me sugetion how to debug *itext* code when the have face this type of exceptions

I searched In but not find suitable answer.

Search not further, just read the error message: you have unbalanced save/restore state operators. In other words, somewhere you have used the method saveState() without using restoreState().
Or you have used restoreState() without using saveState().
Or maybe you have something like:


In older versions of iText, we allowed developers to write PDF syntax any which way they want. Unfortunately, when you give this power to developers who didn't read and understand ISO-32000-1 (the standard you've probably read whilst searching for a suitable answer), you end up with PDFs that are corrupt. That's why we took away a little bit of that power. In order to make iText more "fool-proof", we now throw an exception when a developer doesn't respect the q/Q-rule.
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