Hello everyone.

I am trying to parse some HTML into a PDF file. I installed the XMLWorkerHelper 
DLL, and through extensive reading found how to use it for simple parsing using 
the XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml() method. However, I noticed that 
it completely messes up on images, ignoring the size constraints specified in 
the HTML code. So I was trying to find a way to override the ImageProvider. I 
have the following code:

' Parse HTML Letter

The problem I am having is that when the Pare() line of code is executed, 
everything parses except for the images. The images don't appear. I traced the 
code and found that out of the four methods that the IImageProvider implements, 
only the GetImageRootPath() method runs. The other methods never get called. I 
am at a loss as so why the Retrieve() and Store() methods are not 
called...since it's the Retrieve() method that actually creates the Image 
object, and where I would need to place my code to fix the image sizes.

The samples online show the GetImageRootPath() method returning a "relative" 
url, however in my case, the ASP.Net code I am writing is building the PDF on 
the local server, so I am using physical path locations (ie: 
C:\DirectoryName\Images\). I don't know if this is what is causing the problem, 
but since I am not able to catch any errors at all, I am completely at a loss.

Please help!


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