I have problems to build IUP. I can't use the precompiled files because
theirs are dinamically linked against lua5.1.dll, and all the other modules
that i'm using are linked with lua51.dll (includig the luaJIT itself), so i
have a nasty mess with the naming.

Trying to build IUP, hoping to change the link target, but i've stuck with
de first step, build IM, because i followed the general guide, but the
process throw me an error before starts: "Tecmake: error, g++ not found.
Dependencies can not be built".

This is run in a Windows 7 x64 Box, with Windows SDK (VC10 x64) and Cygwin
(with g++ x64) installed, and using the Windows SDK command prompt, under
the following environment:

setenv /64 /release
set PATH=%PATH%;X:\toolkit\artifacts\cygwin\bin
set VC10=C:/windows_sdk
set VC10SDK=%VC10%
set TEC_UNAME=vc10_64

Why Tecmake check for g++ availability, if i'm using VC10?
Is there another solution for this problem: Using LuaJIT, IUP and other
modules mixing the dll naming, without copy the dll itself?
What about de dll proxy? Its compatible with LuaJIT?

Thanks in advance.

Alvaro Patricio Fuentes Zurita.
Analista Programador Computacional.
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