Hello list,

I just started using IUP with lua and I'm facing a problem. I'm trying 
to implement this code: 
http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/iup-users/2006-May/000030.html but 
when i require iupluacd I get a Segmentation Fault.

I'm running Kubuntu (Kernel 3.0.0, 64 bit), i installed Lua5.1 from the 
repository and built IM, CD and IUP (most recent versions as of today) 
from source.

In Google I only found one very vague reference to a similar problem 
here: http://pastebin.com/pBYW0ysf

The code I'm trying to run is simply

require "imlua"
require "cdlua"
require "cdluaim"
require 'iuplua'
require "iupluacd" -- segmentation fault

I tried various permutations of the requires with similar results.

Is it a known problem? Does anybody have any clue about the reason and a 
possible fix?



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