
The documentation says:

"*SELECTION/**SELECTIONPOS*: same as the *IupText*
If not defined the
*IupText* attribute will be used. If the *IupText* attribute is also not
defined then the current position will receive the format, so new text
inserted or typed will be formatted with the tag (this is not working in

I understand that in a case where I send "ADDFORMATTAG" commands to an
IupText control, where the selection is empty, the formatting will apply to
subsequent text that will be appended to the text (provided the text is
inserted at the point where the formatting is active)

I have an application which relies on this behaviour that was using IUP
3.6, and where text formatting broke with the update to version 3.9. I want
to append text with a color highlight to a control. To do do so I clear any
selection, add the format tag, then append the text.

It looks like only the first line of text can receive the highlight if I
start with an empty text. If I append a line of text to a control that
already contains some text, then the new line isn't highlighted. Please
check the attached Lua sample that demonstrates the issue.

As a side note, the "APPEND" command works when run with a lua52.exe
console application, but fails when using a wlua52.exe windows application.
(I suppose the only the difference is that the native controls are not the
same because of this manifest thingy causing the old version of the native
controls library to be loaded).



Attachment: IupMultiLineTextProblem.lua
Description: Binary data

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