
I am using IUP dll11 binaries along with my own lua binaries that I built
from LuaDist-generated VS 2012 projects with little changes (Lua 5.2.3
sources, with package.path/cpath tweaks taken from LuaBinaries, output file
names changed to xx52). I also changed a bit wmain.c to add

#pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \
name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \
processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")

Not sure if all this has anything to do with the fact that APPEND didn't
work for me with the 'windowed' executable. But then now that I slightly
modified it to perform text selection and formatting after appending, and
all seems to work with both binaries...



2013/12/9 Antonio Scuri <antonio.sc...@gmail.com>

>   Hi,
>   I won’t recommend you to format using the current position. Because it
> can be easy changed, and when it does the format is lost. It is safer for
> you to first append the text, then format the new text with a precise
> selection.
>   I just tested your sample in lua52.exe and wlua52.exe and it works on
> both.
> Best,
> Scuri
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