
  No problem. Keep going. 

  BTW, those asymmetry are from the Win32 API, not much to do about it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karagy [mailto:kar...@mail.ru]
> Sent: segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013 18:13
> To: IUP discussion list.
> Subject: Re: [Iup-users] canvas line
> Hi,
> This is not about new bugs. No new bugs. This primitive demonstration
> through xor overlay each other two lines - lines emulated through the
> and lines of the canvas.
> Done in a hurry, the code is dirty.
> Plus controls for changing parameters - thickness, position of the upper
> lower edge of the line, e.t.c.
> Usage: set the parameters, click the mouse in the canvas - it will draw.
> If necessary - repeat -)
> For example:
> Skip WriteMode, any LineJoin, and set LineCap to CAPROUND and LineWidth
> to 4. Click to canvas - it will make a redraw. Change only width to 6.
> Noticeable asymmetry of half-circles on the edges of the line for an even
> thickness.
> I believe that if this was a bug - it is very low priority.
> Sorry to take away your time.
> --
> Regards,
> Karagy.
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> trk
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