On 1/13/17, John Spikowski <supp...@scriptbasic.org> wrote:
> I think any major directional changes should include a web IUP as a
> consideration. IMHO

I think this is a really interesting idea and I would love to include
this. I've done a tiny bit with Emscripten/asm.js, but I am no means
an expert. I am also not a web person so I don't have the domain
specific knowledge on what a backend should look like.

At a very high level, I think it should work like the following:

(1) You should be able to take your C based IUP application, and
compile it through Emscripten. Emscripten/IUP should have some kind of
implementation for all the library calls (I'm guessing implemented in
JavaScript for the web browser, though maybe it is CSS/HTML?). The
final output Emscripten generates is a web site (with all the C
converted to JavaScript), which is your original program now working
in the web browser.

(2) Emscripten/IUP should be able to output just a JavaScript/web
module that web application developers can import into their projects.
They can write new IUP applications completely in JavaScript for the
web browser and will not have to write any C.

(3 bonus) Presumably, other people may want native JavaScript bindings
(aka non-web, directly to JavaScriptCore, v8, SpiderMonkey, DukTape,
etc.) to IUP. (If you are confused by this concept, see my JavaScript
talk from the Lua Workshop 2016

The Emscripten/IUP JavaScript web API should be the same as any direct
native JavaScript bindings to IUP/C. That way a developer who writes
an app completely in JavaScript, can easily transplant it between the
web browser and a native IUP app using the JavaScript bindings.

In terms of IUP changes, I don't see it much different than what I'm
doing now. I do know the existing IUP event loop will be a problem,
however, I believe my event proposal should fix this one too. Since
the web works on both desktop and mobile too, I suspect it will just
be able to leverage what's already there.

But as I said, I currently don't have the expertise in web backends or
Emscipten to say more than this. So if we can find somebody to step up
as the expert for this, then that would be great.


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