
On 2020-06-05 at 9:10 AM, "Moore, Tysen" <tysen_mo...@mentor.com> wrote:

>My reasoning for my initial email was not to cause a big fight in this list.

Everyone knows you didn't mean for that to happen. The "big fight" you are
seeing is just people who like to fight to have a reason to fight.

>I was bringing this to the attention of the list in case the maintainers or
users were unaware of these issues.

For that I thank you because I wasn't aware of those issues either. I wasn't
expecting that because ALL the advertisement for IUP only brags about how free
and unemcumbered they are in any way, shape, or form, but incorporating
functions calls for GPL source code into your --> API <-- and then claiming
they are "completely separate from your product" is not an accurate summary of
what IUP is actually doing then. IUP is completely free and unemcumbered but
you will find certain IUP API functions that are not. Which functions and
which sofware that goes with those functions? Go look it up yourself.

>I was also looking for some guidance for best practices to resolve these

Sometimes these things can only be settled by a disinterested third party with
no conflict of interest ... or really, really nice lawyers.

>My suggestion was for a benign change to the top level docs to clearly list
third party code that one should be aware of.  If the maintainers of IUP don't
want to do this, that is their decision.  Again, my thought was a suggestion
for [apparently debatable] improvement.  No harm.

No HONEST person can fault you for doing the right thing.

Like yourself, I too am waiting to see how IUP will respond to your innocent
and objective observation(s). So far IUP's first response basically appears to
be "Go look it up yourself", which isn't a good thing because that will only
lead to websites all around the world having to put warnings in their
advertisements about IUP having a few IUP API functions that are not a part of
the IUP license but are GPL instead, all you have to do is just search through
the source code and documentation for it and avoid it if you don't agree with

At least now I am seeing them beginning to at least question the friendliness
of any third party products (FFTW and PdfLib) that are "completely separately"
but directly incorporated into the IUP API and zip file, so that is a good
sign. So maybe what you did will have a good effect.


PS -- To make this picture complete to anyone on or off the IUP forums who may
be monitoring this conversation (FBI? CIA? NSA? Some American-based privacy
invading spy organization?), this is an important issue because some people
religiously believe that GPL is great because it means software that can be
freely accessed, used, changed, and shared, but other people believe that GPL
can't be trusted because it was written by lawyers that don't actually work
for them, number one, and two, because it appears to be a sneaky way for other
people to steal your ideas for free and then make money off of it, and you
will never get as much credit for it as they do, because you must release your
application as freely accessible, usable, changeable, and sharable for them to

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