On 08/10/2014 11:01, Monika Kistler wrote:
Hi everyone,

Hi Monika

nice to know that yagl is currently used on IVI

we are also considering to support it for Tizen:Common too

I used to run the Tizen IVI Emulator image on an openSUSE 13.1 system
using qemu-yagl as described on the Wiki page
Great to know that this page was helpful to you

Then I wanted to switch from
to the latest daily

But now I don't get any UI anymore. From the kernel logs I see that the
kernel does boot. Comparing the kernel logs of both versions I can't see
any relevant differences.
Ewan noticed also this on common

I guess the important thing is, that with the older version I see some
output "yagl: 0 opened" and "yagl: 1 opened" which I don't get with the
newer version.

This is my run command, that worked with the older version:

./i386-softmmu/qemu-system-i386 \
-drive file=./data/tizen-ivi.x86,if=virtio,index=1 \
-drive file=./data/swap.x86,if=virtio,index=2 \
-boot c \
-append 'console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda rw video=LVDS-1:1280x1024-32@60
ip=' \
-serial file:./data/kernel.log \
-m 1024 \
-M pc \
-kernel ./data/bzImage \

I guess this kernel is now obsolete

Anyway I managed to rebuilt it from sources
and shared to packaging files for current version

You're also free to submit emulator-kernel to IVI repo too

See https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TC-199

It will also help to have it rebased on 3.14
to get official support from us

New I guess the qemu client must be rebuilt from sources too
that's what need to be done too

Does anyone have any insights here? Do I miss some arguments?

Well I think TC-199 is a good place to investigate
dont forget dev list too

Good luck and keep us up to date

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