With reference to my earlier post, I'm still trying to get Xerces-J working
in dot net (I want to start a new project with standard DOM XML tools). I'm
not a java developer so am out of my depth here, but i think that my problem
is that I need to re-build Xerces to include the external classes such as
those found in org.w3c.dom etc. Is this possible? I can see that these
classes exist in the src.zip file included with jdk1.5.0_10 .

But before I can even look at this, I am unable to get the build to run on
my windows XP machine.

Looking at the build.bat file, there is no classes.zip file anywhere to be
found on my machine, but i have made sure that all of the other paths have
the required file in them.


When i run the batch file i get:
Xerces-Java Build System
Building with ant classpath
Starting Ant...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Press any key to continue . . .

Any help would be appreciated.


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