Here are the answers, to the questions you asked that I'm aware of:

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Olivier Rossel
<> wrote:
>  - does substitutionGroup still require the newer definition to be a
> valid derivation of the original group?

I don't think, this has changed. Please refer, which
All such members must have type definitions which are either the same
as the head's type definition or derived from it.

>  - is it possible to substitute a namespaced element for a
> non-namespaced element? at the moment, in XSD 1.0, i could not mention
> a non-namespaced element from inside a namespaced schema.

I don't think, this was disallowed in XSD 1.0 as well. Please refer, (section,
" Element Substitution Group") which says:
Any top-level element declaration can serve as the defining member, or
head, for an element substitution group. Other top-level element
declarations, _regardless of target namespace_, can be designated as
members of the substitution group headed by this element.

>  - will xs:redefine still exist in XSD 1.1?
xs:redefine still exists in XSD 1.1, but it's marked as a deprecated
feature in XSD 1.1.

XSD 1.1 defines a new schema component, xs:override (which is
conceptually similar to xs:redefine), which allows unrestricted
re-definition of schema components from overridden schemas
(xs:redefine required the overriding schema, to have components, which
should have derivation relationship to the overridden components).

> will it be possible to
> chain schemas, and (for example) to override a definition at a given
> point of the chain, and then to redefine that definition at a later
> point of that chain?

I don't know for sure, a right answer to this. But my feeling is, that
a chained specification of overridden components should be possible.

I suggest, please ask "XML Schema" language questions on "W3C XML
Schema" mailing list (ref,

Mukul Gandhi

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