Just thought of this: if you use an 'auto-config' type setting, perhaps we 
could take a 'Bonjour' like route in that each server broadcasts within its 
local IP range / subnet for other XMPP servers and makes a live, real time list 
of available instances.


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> On 13/10/2012, at 4:53, Tomasz Sterna <to...@xiaoka.com> wrote:
>> Dnia 2012-10-12, piÄ… o godzinie 17:18 +0200, Alexandre Jousset pisze:
>>>>> Maybe it would be a good thing to say this (only 1 SM per domain to use 
>>>>> less memory) in the install / config guide after the changes.
>> I've now reread it and got it.
>> Yes, it is worth mentioning in the documentation.
>>>   We do. In the simplest way to do it, routers don't forward other routers' 
>>> binding requests. Of course it is possible to implement it to allow 
>>> multi-hops, but I'm afraid this could lead to problems (and inefficiency) 
>>> for no real gain (except simplistic configuration). Of course it would be 
>>> easier to only list just one router of the mesh when adding a router, but I 
>>> would prefer sacrificing this easiness in favor of efficiency. After all, 
>>> the administrator has all knowledge about its server architecture. So when 
>>> adding a router, the config file should list *all* other already running 
>>> routers in the mesh.
>> What if you do not manage all the routers in the mesh?
>> And you were given a password to access only one or two routers of the
>> mesh?
>> In my proposal nothing stops you from making each router know all the
>> others to make it more efficient, but it shouldn't be _required_.
>>>   Also, in the pseudo-code I've written (and started to implement) I had to 
>>> make a distinction between local components and remote routers, just for 
>>> efficiency, to allow the use of a local component preferably before trying 
>>> a remote one. So the local components have greater priorities than remote 
>>> ones, and both are chosen with weighted random in their category. What do 
>>> you think about this?
>> "Explicit is better than implicit."
>> If you want local components to have higher priority - just say so in
>> the configuration file. But default should be that remote binds are as
>> equal as local ones.
>>>   Finally, I've added a "routers.xml" file (with a final 's', naming can be 
>>> changed of course) to allow reloading it dynamically to change its 
>>> connections settings if needed. What do you think about this? Do you think 
>>> it could be necessary?
>> Seams reasonable and simple.
>> "remote-routers.xml" maybe?
>> -- 
>> Tomasz Sterna
>> Instant Messaging Consultant : Open Source Developer
>> http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/portfolio

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