Dnia 2012-10-18, czw o godzinie 16:12 +0200, Alexandre Jousset pisze:
> >> What if you do not manage all the routers in the mesh?
> >> And you were given a password to access only one or two routers of the
> >> mesh?
>       I think it is pretty unusual for the admin not to have access to all 
> routers (at least all routers managing the same domains). I'm sure there 
> could be cases and this would add a lot of flexibility, but see below for the 
> drawbacks.

I've been building collaborative mesh networks (ircd, eggdrop) a lot.
Believe me, the situations when you have just an entry point to the
network are not that rare.

Besides, it goes along the philosophy of jabberd2.
router-users.xml is there for a reason.
If it was assumed one administrator controls the whole components
network, there would be no need for separate users.

>       The problem with the multi-hop proposal is that you have to manage 
> cases where there is cyclic connections. e.g. A => B => C => A

What exactly is the problem with cyclic connections?

>       A solution may be to add the ID of the component binding the domain / 
> bare JID to the bound route, and to check if that combination is already 
> bound, but this will increase CPU usage and the data structure sizes.

TTL/distance would be enough.
This does not increase data structures that much and CPU use is
neglectable - you have to choose the route anyway.
"Premature optimisation is the root of all evil." - let's concentrate on
the design first.

Now that I think of it, implementing distance would be beneficial
anyway, as we could mark routers on slow connections as less preferable.

>       For the moment I have 2 hash tables (finally I differentiated them), 
> one for domains where we don't really care of the size of the values, and one 
> for bare JIDs bindings where the value is just the component_t. This 
> component_t can be the local component for local connections, or other 
> routers connection for remotes. So we would have to add a "char *" malloc'ed, 
> strcpy'ed, etc., for each new connection in bare JID binding mode. So this 
> would add CPU and memory consumption just for multi-hop support. It's a 
> choice to do, if you really want me to do this I'll do it, but I'm a bit 
> against that solution.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Give me for-instance.

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