Dnia 2013-11-26, wto o godzinie 01:41 -0900, Haider Ali pisze:
> Since we know that we can only open 2 ^ 16 = 65536 ports ( connections
> ) with a single machine.

That's a common myth.

Google is your friend:
The TCP/IP standard sets up unique connection identifiers as the tuple
of local IP Address, local TCP port number, remote IP address, and
remote TCP port number. In your example, the local numbers are both
fixed, which leaves approximately 2^32 remote IP (version 4) addresses,
and 2^16 TCP port numbers, or an approximate total potential
simultaneous TCP connections of 281,474,976,710,656 (2^48, or 2.81 *
10^14, or 281 trillion).

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