+1 on the proposal.

FYI, I'm planning to propose another pool package ( in the sandbox
directory), using the code used in tomcat3 as initial code. 

I think it would be a good idea to place your pool in sandbox first, maybe
we can combine and/or define common interfaces/patterns for pool access.

( it'll take another week or 2 before I can check in the code, I want to
integrated the pool used in the tag library pooling implementation and
another pooling we do before I do )


( that would also be a first good test on what happens when we have
multiple components doing the same thing ! )

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Waldhoff, Rodney wrote:

> Here's the proposal for the object pooling package.  The attached JAR
> contains the full bundle.
> As I mentioned before, I stole the list of initial committers from the DBCP
> package, since that's the leading client for this package.
>  - Rod
> ---
> Proposal for Pool Package
> (0) Rationale
> Often a Java application makes use of instances or resources that are
> expensive to create or that need to be limited due to external constraints.
> Database and other network connections are leading, although certainly not
> the only examples of this situation. A pool of instances can be helpful in
> these circumstances. 
> A Commons package for object pooling would give committers an opportunity to
> coordinate their efforts and create and maintain an efficient, feature-rich
> package under the ASF license. 
> (1) Scope of the Package
> The package will create and maintain an object (instance) pooling package to
> be distributed under the ASF license. 
> The package should support a variety of pool implementations, but encourage
> support of an interface that makes these implementations interchangeable. 
> (1.5) Interaction With Other Packages
> Pool relies upon on standard JDK 1.2 (or later) and the (proposed)
> Commons-Collections APIs for production deployment. It utilizes the JUnit
> unit testing framework for developing and executing unit tests, but this is
> of interest only to developers of the component. Pool will also be a
> dependency for several future proposed components for the Jakarta Commons
> subproject. 
> No external configuration files are utilized.
> (2) Initial Source of the Package
> The initial codebase was contributed by Rodney Waldhoff from a working
> project and can be distributed under the Apache license. 
> The proposed package name for the new component is org.apache.commons.pool.
> (3) Required Jakarta-Commons Resources
>      CVS Repository - New directory pool in the jakarta-commons CVS
> repository. All initial committers are already committers on
> jakarta-commons, so no additional
>      user setups are required. 
>      Mailing List - Discussions will take place on the general
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. To help list subscribers
> identify messages of interest, it is
>      suggested that the message subject of messages about this component be
> prefixed with [Pool]. 
>      Bugzilla - New component "Pool" under the "Commons" product category,
> with appropriate version identifiers as needed. 
>      Jyve FAQ - New category "commons-pool" (when available). 
> (4) Initial Committers
>      Morgan Delagrange 
>      Geir Magnusson Jr. 
>      Craig R. McClanahan 
>      Rodney Waldhoff 
>      David Weinrich 

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