On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Peter Donald wrote:

> At 06:14  3/4/01 -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> >Rod, the build scripts seem to assume that you have JUnit on your
> >classpath already.  I think we should start with zero assumptions about
> >the contents of the user's classpath (even to the point of ignoring it) in
> >order to minimize unintended dependencies on build environment
> >assumptions.  Do you think we could make an Ant property for locating
> >JUnit, and add it to the constructed classpath explicitly (I used
> >"junit.home" in beanutils for this)?
> How about junit.jar then it doesn't matter what it is named (ie junit.jar
> vs junit-3.2.jar ). This is the pattern I use to name dependencies in avalon.

It works until JUnit decides to break their product into multiple JAR
files :-).  Don't laugh too hard ... I've been bitten enough times by
using the JAR file path as the property that I've gone back to using the
install directory name and let Ant figure out which JARs to add.

> Cheers,
> Pete


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