At 09:47  3/4/01 -0400, Sam Ruby wrote:
>Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
>> It works until JUnit decides to break their product into multiple JAR
>> files :-).  Don't laugh too hard ... I've been bitten enough times by
>> using the JAR file path as the property that I've gone back to using the
>> install directory name and let Ant figure out which JARs to add.
>How does one deal with (I'm intentionally picking on what is likely a worst
>case scenario):
>    Directory of D:\jakarta\xml-cocoon2\dist\cocoon-2.0a4\lib
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             295,934 ant_1_3.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             150,715 avalonapi.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a           1,866,257 batik-all.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             105,573 bsf.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             389,903 cocoon.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a           1,230,600 fop-0_17_0.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              29,871 jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              25,391 jstyle.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             161,771 junit.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              23,397 logkit.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              30,692 maybeupload.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             331,417 rhino.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              40,944 servlet_2_2.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a              56,572 stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             720,930 xalan-2.0.1.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             834,878 xerces_1_3_0.jar
>   04/03/2001  05:36a             352,905 xt.jar
>                 17 File(s)      6,647,750 bytes
>I'm sure that some have noticed that Gump periodically breaks because of
>somebody renaming a jar or directory.  Luckily the only loss is a prereq
>failure and one night's verification - no extraneous emails get sent out.
>I am very interested in this dicussion as I have yet to find a workable

An ugly solutioin would be something like

<fileset dir="${junit.dir}">
  <include name="junit*.jar"/>

However this would break on systems that implement a cjan like system and
have multiple versions in same directory ;(

Maybe in absolute worst case we could do

<property name="junit.path" value=".../junit-part1.jar:.../junit-part2.jar" />

and use path rather than location to include it into a classpath???



| "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
| and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
| everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
|              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |

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