I'm confused.  How many positive votes does it take to approve a proposal?

The charter says: "To be accepted, a package proposal must receive a
positive super-majority vote of the subproject committers. [...] The whole
number of positive votes needed for a super majority is calculated by
dividing the total number of active subproject committers by four,
multiplying by three, and rounding to the nearest whole number (>= .5 rounds

Given the 10 committers listed in the Commons proposal (plus Vincent, I
assume) it seems to me that that implies 8 positive votes are required.  By
my count, no proposal has received 8 +1's yet.  Does "active subproject
committers" mean something stronger than I'm reading it to be?

Don't get me wrong.  I've +1'ed everything so far (in fact every vote I've
seen has been positive). I just think we should nail down precisely what
these voting rules mean before there's a real point of contention on some

 - Rod

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