
There is a Configuration class that is the amalgamation of some
classes that were originally present in JServ. After a bit of
work this class is now used in Velocity and Turbine, and I believe
a variant is still being used in Cocoon though I'm not sure.

I think this class might be a nice properties type configuration
counterpart to the XML type configuration tools that are either
already in the commons are heading there. The XML digester code
from Catalina? Not totally sure on that one.

At any rate I would like to see if it would be possible to move
the Configuration class that is currently in Velocity to the
commons. Rigth now there is an ugly import in a lot of the Turbine
code and using Turbine _requires_ the velocity jar because I
didn't want to copy the class over into the Turbine tree.

I have to admit that I haven't stayed on top of the commons
lineage so I'm not really sure how I go about proposing the
movement of the Configuration class to the commons other
then asking here.

Could someone point me in the right direction?


Jason van Zyl


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