Title: RE: Collection project + Configuration [proposal]

"Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:

> The only catch is that we shoudl get a
> 'milestone release' out fairly quickly
> so we can get it out of Vel and let
> turbine and vel use a stable release. 

This shouldn't be a problem.  Currently Collections is really just one class and that class should be production ready.  It would be nice to get more classes in there before a "1.0" release (and Peter and Craig had kinda volunteered some code earlier) but it's all pretty much the same to me.  We can create a milestone release whenever you are ready.

> Ok.  Don't let me stop you.  I'll try to
> get in tonight or early tomorrow.

You can find Collections in jakarta-commons now.  If you just drop ExtendedProperties into the src/java/ tree, it should be picked up automatically by the build and doc tasks.

- rod

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