On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> Vincent Massol wrote:
> > 
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:03 PM
> > Subject: cvs commit: jakarta-commons build.xml
> > 
> > > craigmcc    01/04/30 12:03:53
> > >
> > >   Modified:    .        build.xml
> > >   Log:
> > >   Add a "dist" target that does all-in-one "ant dist" executions on the
> > >   included packages that are designed to create stand-alone JAR files.
> > >   Currently, this list omits Cactus because there is a slightly more
> > >   involved setup process to build and use it.
> > >
> > 
> > Is there an the interest in being able to build all the Commons components
> > together with an Ant build file ? In other words do we want to provide a
> > common build script that starts the other component's build scripts ? So
> > far, I don't see how it could be useful to package all the components in a
> > single distribution. Any thoughts ?
> I suggested that in the beginning, but it was pretty much panned as
> useless.  I can imagine that it would certainly be useful for a
> first-time user or for build testing, but for the former, I assume that
> people would just take it in parts, and for the latter, there is gump...

Until CJAN comes along, this "ant dist" target is primarily for folks like
me that are building lots of the Commons packages.  I'd be happy to move
this into a private build.xml file if nobody else needs this (I have one
for the Sandbox stuff I use, for example).  But, if this is the direction,
I would suggest we move the build.xml file in the top-level directory into
xdocs instead, because it only builds the web site.

> geir


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