Peter Donald wrote:
> At 10:21  6/5/01 -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> >
> >What is <pathlevel>?
> a typo ;) It was meant to be patchlevel ;)
> Think it of internal changes to component that has zero effect on code
> using jar of patchlevel or below.
> Major versions == no backwards compatability
> Minor versions == mostly forwards compatible ("mostly" defined by developers)
> Patchlevel versions == always forwardly comptible
> So for instance changes to indicate a bump in patchlevel could be:
> * documentation update
> * forward compatible class change (as defined by JLS spec IIRC)
> * new classes added to jar


So for example, suppose alexandria's logger changed one day, and
velocity's gump build broke the next because the Velocity developers
didn't immediately patch their source, would that be major, minor or
patchlevel? ;)

> >One of the current repository info warts is handling something like
> >jaxp, where there are three parts, jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, and
> >parser.jar.  So right now, it's listed as three packages, with
> >dependency information :
> >
> >packages = jaxp, jaxp-parser, jaxp-crimson
> >...
> >jaxp.dependencies = jaxp-parser, jaxp-crimson
> >...
> I would do it like
> packages = jaxp1.0, jaxp1.1, jaxp-parser, jaxp-crimson
> ...
> jaxp1.0.dependencies = jaxp-parser
> jaxp1.1.dependencies = jaxp-crimson

Hm.  Thanks.  I was wondering about parser vs crimson :D

The thing I forgot to mention was that for a package, there is a list of
versions :

jaxp.version = 1.0, 1.1

and then info for each version of a package, a specification of the
details, including dependencies :

jaxp.1.0.note = <blargh blargh blargh>
jaxp.1.0.dependencies = jaxp-parser
jaxp.1.0.jar = jaxp-1.0.jar
jaxp.1.1.note = <blargh blargh blargh>
jaxp.1.1.dependencies = jaxp-crimson
jaxp.1.1.jar = jaxp-1.1.jar

What I need to add is depdedencies based on package-version info, not
just package - something like

jaxp.1.0.dependencies = jaxp-parser:1.0

so the dependency tree can deal with that bit of finesse.



Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
"still climbing up to the shoulders..."

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