James, Craig,

I did not follow the ObjectPool discussions to closely, so I hope I'm not
missing the point. As far as I got it

- the pool hands out an object exactly once. The object is unavailable for
others until it is returned
- the cache may hand out an object several times. The object is not
exclusively used.

The cache could therefore be used for e.g. complex computation results,
results of database queries and other computing time intensive tasks. The
object pool contains scarce resources, e.g. typically database connections.

James, what do you think of making a cache JMX compliant? I'm working on a
cache which is supposed to buffer data in a content management system. The
cache is supposed to store objects which are quite expensive, the caching
will be crucial for application performance That's why  I need to have a
good overview on what's happening inside the cache, not just as some
debugging output but rather in a fashion that can be remote monitored and
integrated with monitoring tools.

I plan to implement the measures
- objects in cache,
- cache hits, 
- invalidations, 
- cache misses of key that have not been in the cache yet, 
- cache misses due to a constraint of maximum cache entries.

The last two points might seem a little bit strange at the first thought,
but I think they can make a sense in certain situations. If a cache has the
option of either using soft references or a maximum number of entries, there
will be a certain amount of cache misses due to either a limited heap size
in case of soft references or a limited number of maximum entries allowed
(which is most probably related to heap size as well. 

With this monitoring information a sysadmin could easily determine if e.g.
an installation would benefit from an increased heap size.

To distinguish between both types of cache misses it is of course necessary 
- to keep a list of keys which are already known to the cache
- to have a mechanisim to finally drop keys after a certain while (e.g. the
key of a deleted page in a content management system should not remain in
the cache for weeks and months).

This implies that the value object needs to have noticeably higher amount of
heap consumption and computation time on creation than the key, otherwise
the cache would of course not make much of a sense.

In my current prototype I'm supplying three types of caches, a cache which,
when full, 

- drops the oldest value objects,
- drops the ones with the longest interim since the last hit
- drops the ones with the fewest number of total hits

I can configure which kind of references are used (strong, soft, weak).

I like the idea of a cacheloader. Thought of that as well, but somehow did
not have the drive to implement that in my ejb environment yet (might be
messy if the cacheloader has to deal with FinderExceptions of EJBs).

What I did not fully get so far is the idea of the cache-regions. I always
thought of putting a cache instance to some central location (Web
Application Context, JNDI Tree, e.g.), but maybe my view is to J2EE focused
on this. I'm a little bit sceptical about a cache being a static member as
there are some restrictions on that in the EJB spec..

Altold, do you think we are trying to achieve something similar or is my
approach too much heavy-wheight for your needs?



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