[code] Automatically add the query string parameters defined when using
the ServletTestRequest.setURL() API to the list of parameters passed to
the server redirector, so that it won't be necessary to call
ServletTestRequest.addParameter() for each of these parameters. 

I have changed ServletTestRequest and TestServletTestCase4 to put this
in for myself. The changes are shown below. Not sure how to submit a
patch or change as I've not done it before (tried to contribute to an
open source project that is). 

Is this enough? Sorry I've tried to do the cvs diff, but don't seem to
get anything useful from it - it seems to complain about the whole damn
file, not just the few method changes.


In ServletTestRequest:
>     public void setURL(String theServerName, String theContextPath,
>         String theServletPath, String thePathInfo, String theQueryString)
>     {
>         m_URL = new ServletURL(theServerName, theContextPath,
>             theServletPath, thePathInfo, theQueryString);
>         addQueryStringParameters( theQueryString);
>     }
>     private void addQueryStringParameters(String theQueryString)
>     {
>         if (theQueryString == null)
>             return;
>         // now addParameters for querystring
>         // actually - might need to remove old if m_URL != null;
>         String nameValue = null;
>         StringTokenizer tokenizer =
>                     new StringTokenizer(theQueryString, "&");
>         int breakParam = -1;
>         try {
>             while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
>             {
>                 nameValue =tokenizer.nextToken();
>                 breakParam = nameValue.indexOf("=");
>                 if (breakParam != -1)
>                 {
>                     addParameter(nameValue.substring(0, breakParam),
>                                            nameValue.substring(breakParam+1));
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                     throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Bad QueryString 
>[" + theQueryString + "] NameValue pair: [" + nameValue + "]");
>                 }
>             }
>         } catch (NoSuchElementException s) {
>             throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Bad QueryString [" + 
>theQueryString + "]");
>         }
>     }

and in 
>     /**
>      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
>      * Set 5 of test values (taken from Sun's Servlet API spec)
>      */
>     public void testSimulatedURL5()
>     {
>         assertEquals("jakarta.apache.org", request.getServerName());
>         assertEquals("/catalog/help/feedback.jsp", request.getRequestURI());
>         assertEquals(80, request.getServerPort());
>         assertEquals("/catalog", request.getContextPath());
>         assertEquals("/help/feedback.jsp", request.getServletPath());
>         assert(request.getPathInfo() == null);
>         assertEquals("PARAM1=param1&PARAM2=param2", request.getQueryString());
>         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM1"), "param1");
>         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM2"), "param2");
>     }
>         //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /**
>      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
>      * can't find the sun servlet spec tests, so this is made up.
>      *
>      * @param theRequest the request object that serves to initialize the
>      *                   HTTP connection to the server redirector.
>      */
>     public void beginSimulatedURL6(ServletTestRequest theRequest)
>     {
>         theRequest.setURL("jakarta.apache.org", "/catalog", "/help/feedback.jsp", 
>null, "PARAM1=&PARAM2=param2");
>     }
>     /**
>      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
>      * made up test for empty value.
>      */
>     public void testSimulatedURL6()
>     {
>         assertEquals("jakarta.apache.org", request.getServerName());
>         assertEquals("/catalog/help/feedback.jsp", request.getRequestURI());
>         assertEquals(80, request.getServerPort());
>         assertEquals("/catalog", request.getContextPath());
>         assertEquals("/help/feedback.jsp", request.getServletPath());
>         assert(request.getPathInfo() == null);
>         assertEquals("PARAM1=&PARAM2=param2", request.getQueryString());
>         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM1"), "");
>         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM2"), "param2");
>     }

Jari Worsley
Senior Programmer
Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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