Thanks Jari !

I'll commit this ASAP. And don't worry about the format (the preferred
method is to do a diff but what you have provided is fine with me) !

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jari Worsley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: [cactus][patch]Query String to request parameters

> [code] Automatically add the query string parameters defined when using
> the ServletTestRequest.setURL() API to the list of parameters passed to
> the server redirector, so that it won't be necessary to call
> ServletTestRequest.addParameter() for each of these parameters.
> I have changed ServletTestRequest and TestServletTestCase4 to put this
> in for myself. The changes are shown below. Not sure how to submit a
> patch or change as I've not done it before (tried to contribute to an
> open source project that is).
> Is this enough? Sorry I've tried to do the cvs diff, but don't seem to
> get anything useful from it - it seems to complain about the whole damn
> file, not just the few method changes.
> Jari
> In ServletTestRequest:
> >     public void setURL(String theServerName, String theContextPath,
> >         String theServletPath, String thePathInfo, String
> >     {
> >         m_URL = new ServletURL(theServerName, theContextPath,
> >             theServletPath, thePathInfo, theQueryString);
> >         addQueryStringParameters( theQueryString);
> >     }
> >
> >     private void addQueryStringParameters(String theQueryString)
> >     {
> >         if (theQueryString == null)
> >             return;
> >
> >         // now addParameters for querystring
> >         // actually - might need to remove old if m_URL != null;
> >         String nameValue = null;
> >         StringTokenizer tokenizer =
> >                     new StringTokenizer(theQueryString, "&");
> >         int breakParam = -1;
> >         try {
> >             while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
> >             {
> >                 nameValue =tokenizer.nextToken();
> >                 breakParam = nameValue.indexOf("=");
> >                 if (breakParam != -1)
> >                 {
> >                     addParameter(nameValue.substring(0, breakParam),
> >
> >
> >                 }
> >                 else
> >                 {
> >                     throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Bad
QueryString [" + theQueryString + "] NameValue pair: [" + nameValue + "]");
> >                 }
> >             }
> >         } catch (NoSuchElementException s) {
> >             throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Bad
QueryString [" + theQueryString + "]");
> >         }
> >     }
> and in
> >     /**
> >      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
> >      * Set 5 of test values (taken from Sun's Servlet API spec)
> >      */
> >     public void testSimulatedURL5()
> >     {
> >         assertEquals("", request.getServerName());
> >         assertEquals("/catalog/help/feedback.jsp",
> >         assertEquals(80, request.getServerPort());
> >         assertEquals("/catalog", request.getContextPath());
> >         assertEquals("/help/feedback.jsp", request.getServletPath());
> >         assert(request.getPathInfo() == null);
> >         assertEquals("PARAM1=param1&PARAM2=param2",
> >         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM1"), "param1");
> >         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM2"), "param2");
> >     }
> >
> >
> >
> >     /**
> >      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
> >      * can't find the sun servlet spec tests, so this is made up.
> >      *
> >      * @param theRequest the request object that serves to initialize
> >      *                   HTTP connection to the server redirector.
> >      */
> >     public void beginSimulatedURL6(ServletTestRequest theRequest)
> >     {
> >         theRequest.setURL("", "/catalog",
"/help/feedback.jsp", null, "PARAM1=&PARAM2=param2");
> >     }
> >
> >     /**
> >      * Verify that we can simulate different parts of the URL.
> >      * made up test for empty value.
> >      */
> >     public void testSimulatedURL6()
> >     {
> >         assertEquals("", request.getServerName());
> >         assertEquals("/catalog/help/feedback.jsp",
> >         assertEquals(80, request.getServerPort());
> >         assertEquals("/catalog", request.getContextPath());
> >         assertEquals("/help/feedback.jsp", request.getServletPath());
> >         assert(request.getPathInfo() == null);
> >         assertEquals("PARAM1=&PARAM2=param2", request.getQueryString());
> >         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM1"), "");
> >         assertEquals(request.getParameter("PARAM2"), "param2");
> >     }
> >
> --
> Jari Worsley
> Senior Programmer
> Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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