At 9:27 PM -0500 6/22/01, Waldhoff, Rodney wrote:
>To do a file upload via HTTP, you'll want to send a multipart/form-data
>message, as described in RFC 1867 ( 
>Jason Hunter's MultipartRequest servlet stuff
>( is probably the canonical example
>of the server-side of this. I wasn't able to find any links with examples of
>the client side of this, and I don't think there is any direct support in
>HttpClient, but I imagine it is possible to add such support.

HttpUnit does this on the client side, but only if you are responding to a form will 
file inputs
Russell Gold                     | "... society is tradition and order
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | and reverence, not a series of cheap
                                 | bargains between selfish interests."          |   - Poul Anderson, "Iron"

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