
--- "Waldhoff, Rodney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (My apologies if this comes through with an HTML
> attachment.  Our admin
> recently upgraded our exchange server and seems to
> be having trouble getting
> the "stop-sending-the-annoying-attachment"
> patch/config set up again.)
> Fair warning:
> I'd like to convert the System.out/System.err
> logging currently used in
> httpclient over to using log4j, for the following
> reasons:
> * The current logging configuration is
> cumbersome--it requires a code change
> and recompilation to turn logging on and off. 
> Several times over the past
> few days I've wanted to quickly turn logging on or
> off in a production
> installation of httpclient, and have had to replace
> the JAR outright--which
> may be changing things other than what I wanted to
> change.
> * Many of the projects using this component probably
> already use log4j for
> other logging, so making it all work the same way
> would be helpful.
> * Previously on this list we seem to have come to a
> consensus (or at least
> as close to a consensus as this list ever comes to)
> that log4j should be the
> conventional logging mechanism
> * Given the charter of this project, it seems
> appropriate that we use bits
> of other jakarta/apache projects where relevant.
> Doing this will of course require that log4j.jar be
> available in your
> classpath at runtime and at compile time.  It can be
> obtained from
> http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j.  I hope this isn't
> too onerous a
> dependency.
> The Categories I have currently set up are
> relatively crude--one category
> per class that has logging (there are three of
> them).  We could and probably
> should be more clever with that.  Perhaps a
> "verbose" and "terse" logging
> category?  I'll probably check my changes in a
> little later this afternoon,
> and anyone who wants to play with new/differnt
> logging categories should
> feel free.
> --
> Also (and I suspect this will be less
> controversial), I have refactored the
> TestMethods class to separate those tests which
> depend upon external
> internet access from those which can be run against
> locahost alone.  There
> are now three test targets:
>  * test - runs all unit tests, as before
>  * test-local - runs all unit tests that don't
> depend upon external network
> access
>  * test-external - runs all unit tests that don't
> depend upon a webserver
> running locally
> This makes it easier for those of us who like to do
> development offline, and
> is pretty painless (invisible even) for everyone
> else.
>  - Rod

Morgan Delagrange

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