At 16:28 02.08.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>> > Is it planned to suggest to other commons components to
>> > try to have a similar behavior ?
>> >
>> > Remy
>> Yeah, I've got the same question.
>> It seems to me that if we're happy with this approach then we'll probably
>> want to use it in some of the other components (cache and dbcp both seem
>> like reasonable candidates for logging for example).  If that's the case,
>> then we certain don't want to reproduce this code (and this packaging)
>> everywhere (otherwise our Log impls won't be interoperable across
>> components).  So what do we do?  Purpose what's currently in the
>> httpclient.log package as a distinct commons package?  Try to lobby the
>> log4j folks to produce a similar Log/Category abstraction that is
>> distributed in a tiny jar?  I lean toward the latter but I don't know how
>> hard that will be or how long that would take.  Perhaps a commons package
>> the way to go in the short run?
>It's not just a problem of how big log4j is, but rather that it is then more
>difficult to seamlessly integrate the component in your application.

How so?

Ceki Gülcü -

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