On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Incze Lajos wrote:

> ... etc. Ithink that in digester it would be a good idea to change the
> JSP-ish matching rules to XPATH expressions. At the same time digester
> could use JDOM or DOM4J (they have esstially the same XPATH engine).
> XPATH was designed to walk through an XML graph, so you can express
> as complex or as simple rules as you want. both JDOM and DOM4j gives
> you a pretty convenient (I mean collections) interface to the
> document. Comments?
> incze

I just checked in a patch that refactors Digester slightly.  There's a new
Rules interface that you can implement (or subclass the default RulesBase
class) to provide your own policies for selecting rules that
match.  Simply create your own Rules implementation and register it by
calling digester.setRules() before you start calling the rule adding


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