First off, this is a kick ass first start. Very nice work Craig.


    Add more methods
        Step[] getSteps()
        void setSteps(Step[] steps)

    Context is being used as a name for way to many things to make it this
    generic. I think this should be renamed to something like

    I could be wrong here because I don't see the entire picture yet, but I
    think that Scope should be managed outside of the Context. Take this
    technique from Turbine/Velocity of being able to nest Contexts and
    provide scope through referencing nested Contexts.

    Next/Previous. What happens if there isn't one? Only execute throws a
    StepException. Also, I would prefer a more JavaBean syntax than
    "execute". I believe "do" is the right "doExecute()". Can
    someone point me to the documentation on the method naming
    conventions for Beans?

More comments to follow as I look into things further.


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