On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

> First off, this is a kick ass first start. Very nice work Craig.
> Comments:
> Activity.java:
>     Add more methods
>         Step[] getSteps()
>         void setSteps(Step[] steps)

OK.  The internal stuff should be as agnostic as possible about who
initialization happens, so this makes sense.

> Context.java:
>     Context is being used as a name for way to many things to make it this
>     generic. I think this should be renamed to something like
>     "StateContext.java"

Maybe just "State"?  This thing is definitely different from a Context in

The really important issue is that this thing is dynamic and maintained
(in essence) per-user-interation, while Activity and Step are static and
shared if more than one user is executing the same activity at the same

>     I could be wrong here because I don't see the entire picture yet, but I
>     think that Scope should be managed outside of the Context. Take this
>     technique from Turbine/Velocity of being able to nest Contexts and
>     provide scope through referencing nested Contexts.

The view in the current code is that scopes are "side by side" rather than
nested, and can be accessed (from a Step) via a name.  A particular
instance of Context can have a number of Scope implementations plugged in,
totally independent of the execution engine.

For a web layer integration using JSP, it's pretty natural to have a scope
for request attributes, session attributes, and context attributes.  
However, it's still perfectly feasible to add additional scopes (or
replace one of these -- for Turbine/Velocity, it might be more natural to
have one instead of three because that's more similar to your existing
programming model.

Note that you can have your cake and eat it too -- when I defined the
literal index values in WebContext, so you can stick your own Scope in
anywhere in the search order you like.

> Step.java:
>     Next/Previous. What happens if there isn't one? Only execute throws a
>     StepException. Also, I would prefer a more JavaBean syntax than
>     "execute". I believe "do" is the right keyword...ie: "doExecute()". Can
>     someone point me to the java.sun.com documentation on the method naming
>     conventions for Beans?

When the calculated nextStep value (in the Context implementation) is
null, that is a signal that the current Activity has been completed.  It
can happen in one of three ways:

* You just executed the last Step in this Activity (the linked
  list processing does this automatically).

* Your Step calls context.setNextStep(null) before it returns,
  because it has algorithmically decided that the Activity is finished.

* You executed the <core:exit> tag, which does the above.

The standard logic for this is in
org.apache.commons.workflow.base.BaseContext, in the execute() method.

For JavaBeans naming patterns, the best info source is the JavaBeans 1.0.1 


It has naming patterns for events, event listeners, and property
getters/setters, but I didn't find any for "action" type
methods.  Throughout this initial set of code I was pretty much into
one-word names where it was possible :-).

> More comments to follow as I look into things further.
> -jon


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