Jeff Turner wrote on 8/15/01 10:08 pm:

>I think this looks excellent. 

Thanks!  We (Rod, Doug, and I) are fairly pleased with it so far.  You probably 
noticed the packaging errors earlier; sorry about that.  I still had an old jar in my 
classpath.  :)

>Perhaps eventually this could 
>replace jakarta-
>tomcat-4.0/tester and the 
>watchdog projects? I was 
>recently hacking tomcat's 
>tester in an attempt to 
>generalize it, but this looks 
>much better.

I know what Watchdog does, but I haven't actually looked at it.  I probably should, if 
only to get an idea of what other tests we might want.

Rod pointed out yesterday that the proposal is probably too limiting.  Realistically 
Latka should be able to grow into other realms of functional testing.  I plan to 
update the proposal accordingly.

>At some stage I'd like to 
>augment the XML validator 
>to validate irrespective of 
>DOCTYPE, against a local 
>DTD, like Tomcat does.

Anything to make Latka more flexible (while preserving validation) sounds good to me.  
You probably saw the comments in tests.dtd, where you can add your own custom tests.  
It's OK, but hopefully we'll find something more elegant before beta.

- Morgan

>On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 
>11:16:32AM -0700, Morgan 
>Delagrange wrote:  Hi all,
>> With all the logging 
>hubbub, I don't know if you 
>have  all found time to 
>review the proposal and 
>code.  But...
>> I'd like to call a vote to 
>move Latka into the 
>Commons  Proper.  +1 for 
>> - Morgan
>> =====
>> Morgan Delagrange
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