At 14:24 16.08.2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
>> No Commons only requires a super-majority vote to accept components.
>My count is 3+ 2- so far, but I believe Ceki didn't expressed any vote -
>so he can decide that :-)


I am not a commons committer so my vote does not count. In any case,
given my involvement in log4j, it would be inappropriate for me to

If developers feel that the logging proposal meets their needs then
all is good. The current proposal does indeed solve the classpath
problem. (One no longer needs to have log4j on the classpath.)
Otherwise, I don't see what else it brings except potential headaches.

That is of course my very partisan opinion. 

Ceki Gülcü -

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