On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Sanders wrote:

> Vincent,
> As far as I know the html is checked in so that it can be checked out
> onto the jakarta site.  So the developer sets up his/her machine, and
> then generates and checks in docs, and then logs onto the website box
> and does a 'cvs update', which just pulls out the html.
> Scott Sanders 

That's the reason Jon set up jakarta-site2 this way, and whoever set up
the original website for Commons copied it.  I don't like it either, but
haven't had time to define an alternative approach.

Off the top of my head, there would seem to be two options:

* Require developers who want to update the web site to configure
  their environment on daedalus so that they can check out the
  xdocs and actually run the transformations in place.  (Historical
  note - originally, the machine which ran the web sites did not have
  a Java2 environment available, so we couldn't have done this even
  if we wanted to.  That is no longer the case.)

* Require developers who want to update the web site to run
  the transformations on their own systems, and then propogate
  the generated files up to the server somehow.  (For Struts, I
  do this by scp'ing the struts-documentation.war file up to the
  server, then logging on and unpacking it.

The latter alternative would be preferable IMHO, but *only* if we can
automate the "propogate and expand" part, perhaps with an Ant task that
does all the necessary work.


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