Thanks to all your answers. In cactus, I have a depoloy-site target that
takes a "-Dusername=username_on_dadedalus" attribute and which does the
following :
* generates the web site (HTML) and gzip it,
* scp the gzip to the htdocs directory for Cactus
* ssh and execute a ungzip, untar and remove

It is really nice and I can update the Cactus web site in less than 1 minute

Any problem with this ? Do we have to conform to other ways of doing it or
we stay like this for the Cactus project ?


Here is the script :

    <target name="deploy-site" depends="clean,site" if="username">

        <property name="homepage"

        <exec dir="." executable="scp">
            <arg value="${}-${DSTAMP}.tar.gz"/>
            <arg value="${username}${homepage}"/>

        <exec dir="." executable="ssh">
            <arg line="-l ${username} 'cd
${homepage};gunzip ${}-${DSTAMP}.tar.gz;tar xvf
${}-${DSTAMP}.tar;rm ${}-${DSTAMP}.tar'"/>


----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 8:09 PM
Subject: RE: cvs commit: JavaDocs

> On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Sanders wrote:
> > Vincent,
> >
> > As far as I know the html is checked in so that it can be checked out
> > onto the jakarta site.  So the developer sets up his/her machine, and
> > then generates and checks in docs, and then logs onto the website box
> > and does a 'cvs update', which just pulls out the html.
> >
> > Scott Sanders
> >
> That's the reason Jon set up jakarta-site2 this way, and whoever set up
> the original website for Commons copied it.  I don't like it either, but
> haven't had time to define an alternative approach.
> Off the top of my head, there would seem to be two options:
> * Require developers who want to update the web site to configure
>   their environment on daedalus so that they can check out the
>   xdocs and actually run the transformations in place.  (Historical
>   note - originally, the machine which ran the web sites did not have
>   a Java2 environment available, so we couldn't have done this even
>   if we wanted to.  That is no longer the case.)
> * Require developers who want to update the web site to run
>   the transformations on their own systems, and then propogate
>   the generated files up to the server somehow.  (For Struts, I
>   do this by scp'ing the struts-documentation.war file up to the
>   server, then logging on and unpacking it.
> The latter alternative would be preferable IMHO, but *only* if we can
> automate the "propogate and expand" part, perhaps with an Ant task that
> does all the necessary work.
> Craig

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