vmassol     01/08/19 05:14:49

  Modified:    cactus/docs/framework/xdocs doc-book.xml site-book.xml
  Added:       cactus/docs/framework/xdocs coding_conventions.xml
  added cactus coding conventions
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.25      +5 -1      jakarta-commons/cactus/docs/framework/xdocs/doc-book.xml
  Index: doc-book.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/cactus/docs/framework/xdocs/doc-book.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.24
  retrieving revision 1.25
  diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
  --- doc-book.xml      2001/08/18 13:17:01     1.24
  +++ doc-book.xml      2001/08/19 12:14:49     1.25
  @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
     <menu label="Support">
  -    <menu-item type="external" label="CVS" 
       <menu-item type="external" label="Bug database" 
       <menu-item label="Mailing list" source="mailinglist.xml"/>
       <menu-item type="external" label="FAQ" 
  @@ -59,6 +58,11 @@
     <menu label="Misc.">
       <menu-item label="Why the name ?" source="cactusname.xml"/>
       <menu-item label="Resources" source="resources.xml"/>
  +  </menu>
  +  <menu label="Developers">
  +    <menu-item type="external" label="CVS" 
  +    <menu-item label="Coding Conventions" source="coding_conventions.xml"/>
  1.21      +5 -1      jakarta-commons/cactus/docs/framework/xdocs/site-book.xml
  Index: site-book.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/cactus/docs/framework/xdocs/site-book.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  --- site-book.xml     2001/08/16 09:58:36     1.20
  +++ site-book.xml     2001/08/19 12:14:49     1.21
  @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
     <menu label="Support">
  -    <menu-item type="external" label="CVS" 
       <menu-item type="external" label="Bug database" 
       <menu-item label="Mailing list" source="mailinglist.xml"/>
       <menu-item type="external" label="FAQ" 
  @@ -59,6 +58,11 @@
     <menu label="Misc.">
       <menu-item label="Why the name ?" source="cactusname.xml"/>
       <menu-item label="Resources" source="resources.xml"/>
  +  </menu>
  +  <menu label="Developers">
  +    <menu-item type="external" label="CVS" 
  +    <menu-item label="Coding Conventions" source="coding_conventions.xml"/>
  Index: coding_conventions.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "./dtd/document-v10.dtd">
      <title>Coding Conventions</title>
        <person name="Vincent Massol" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
      <s1 title="Forewords">
          This document describes a list of coding conventions that are
          required for code submissions to the project. By default, the coding
          conventions for most Open Source Projects should follow the existing coding
          conventions in the code that you are working on. For example,
          if the bracket is on the same line as the if statement, then you
          should write all your code to have that convention.
          <strong>If you commit code that does not follow these conventions and
          you are caught, you are responsible for also fixing your own code.
           Below is a list of coding conventions that are specific to Cactus,
           everything else not specificially mentioned here should follow the
           official <link
           Java Coding Conventions</link>.
      <s1 title="Cactus specific coding conventions">
        <s2 title="1. Brackets">
            For class and method declaration, brackets should begin and end on a
            <strong>new</strong> line. Example :
  public class SomeClass
      public void someMethod()
            Brackets for blocks of code inside methods should begin and end
            on the <strong>same</strong> line (this applies to <code>if</code>,
            <code>for</code>, <code>while</code>, <code>try/catch</code>, ...).
            Example :
  public void someMethod()
      if (expression) {
      } else if (other_expression) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
            <strong>Brackets are mandatory even for single line statements !
  // Incorrect
  if (expression)
      // some code
  // Correct
  if (expression) {
      // some code
        <s2 title="2. Blank Spaces">
             keywords followed by a parenthesis should be separated by a space.
             Example :
  while (true) {
      // some code
            Blank space should appear after commas in argument lists. Binary
            operators should be separated from their operands by spaces :
  a += c + d;
  a = (a + b) / (c * d);
  while (d++ = s++) {
  printSize("size is " + foo + "\n");
        <s2 title="3. Indentations">
            <strong>4 spaces. NO tabs</strong>. Period. We understand that a lot
            of you like to
            use tabs, but the fact of the matter is that in a distributed
            development environment, when the cvs commit messages get sent to a
            mailing list, they are almost impossible to read if you use tabs.
        <s2 title="4. Comments">
            Javadoc SHOULD exist on all your class members (methods + class
            variables), including the private ones. Also, if you are working on
            existing code and there currently isn't a javadoc for that
            method/class/variable or whatever, then you should contribute and
            add it. This will improve the project as a whole.
            Also add code comments when you think it's necessary (like
            assumptions), especially when the code is not obvious.
        <s2 title="5. License">
            The Jakarta Apache/Cactus License MUST be placed at the top of each
            and every file.
        <s2 title="6. Author references">
            If you contribute to a file (code or documentation), add yourself to
            the top of the file (below the existing authors). For java files the
            preferred Javadoc format is:
  @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>John Doe</a>
        <s2 title="7. Class variables">
            Class variables should not have any prefix and <strong>must</strong>
            be referenced using the <code>this</code> object. Example :
  public class SomeClass
      private String someString;
      public void someMethod()
          logger.debug("Value = " + this.someString);
        <s2 title="8. Parameter names">
            Method parameters should be prefixed by "<code>the</code>" (for
            differentiating them from inner variables). For example :
  public void someMethod(String theClassName)
      String className; // inner variable
        <s2 title="9. Line length">
            Avoid lines longer than 80 characters for Code, comments, ...
        <s2 title="10. Versionning">
            All .java files should have a <code>@version</code> tag like the one
  @version $Id: coding_conventions.xml,v 1.1 2001/08/19 12:14:49 vmassol Exp $
        <s2 title="11. Logging">
            Do <strong>not</strong> use <code>System.out</code> to log. Instead,
            use the Cactus logging classes which are a facade to Log4j. Use the
            name of your class as the Log4j <code>Category</code>.For
            example :
  private static Log logger =
  public void someMethod()
      logger.debug("some debug text");
            Try as much as possible to log entry and exits of methods with
            the parameter values. Cactus logging interface provides 2 methods
            for this : <code>logger.entry()</code> and <code>logger.exit()</code>,
            used as follows :
  public void someMethod(String theClassName)
      logger.entry("someMethod([" + theClassName + "])");
            This will translate in the following log :
  3435 [ApplicationServerThread] DEBUG some.package.MyClass - 
  3436 [ApplicationServerThread] DEBUG some.package.MyClass - <someMethod
            If there is no value in logging the parameters (for example because
            the object passed as parameter do not have a string representation
            and you cannot add one), use the following :
  public void someMethod(InputStream theInputStream)
            This is because you could have a method within your class with the
            same name but without parameters and we need to differentiate that
            in the logs.
        <s2 title="12. Exception handling">
            Managing exceptions correctly requires experience. This is not
            supposed to be a guide on managing exceptions, simply a few best
              <strong>Rule 1</strong> : Try to catch exceptions as much as
              possible and rethrow higher level exceptions (meaning hiding the
              low level detailed and putting a message that is more related to
              the function of your code).
              <strong>Rule 2</strong> : It is important not to loose the stack
              trace which contains important information. Use chained exceptions
              for that. Cactus provides a <code>ChainedRuntimeException</code>
              for chaining runtime exceptions.
              <strong>Rule 3</strong> : Always log the exception at the higher
              level (ie. where it is handled and not rethrown).
              <strong>Rule 4</strong> : Try to avoid catching
              <code>Throwable</code> or <code>Exception</code> and catch
              specific exceptions instead.
            An example :
  public void getTestClass()
      try {
          Class responseClass =
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
          String message = "Cannot instantiate test class";
          throw new ChainedRuntimeException(message, e);

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