Vincent Massol wrote:

> As I mentionned in several earlier posts we need an HTTP client for Cactus
> because the default HttpURLConnection (which Cactus was using till now)
> contains a blocking bug which is supposed to be fixed in JDK 1.4 but we
> cnanot wait until JDK 1.4 is used by everyone...
> I asked for your advice on this list and the general consensus was that we
> should use commons-httpclient and "eat our own dog food". Fine with me ...
> I tried to use it at the beginning of last week end and found that it was
> far from being ready and especially contained a *serious* bug in that it is
> not handling cookies (and other headers) correctly (it is not supporting
> multiple headers with same names and different values). This is a
> showstopper for using this library as part of any development I think and
> especially Cactus as it breaks right away ...
> I then proposed to help fix this and other things and have still not
> received any answer or any hint of answer. This is bad! When someone
> proposes to help, we should jump on that and make sure he can do it ASAP and
> in the best conditions. Maybe I should be more patient and it is just a
> coincidence that no one answered so far ...
> However, I need a solution now and the only solution I can see is using
> HTTPClient or build my own within Cactus.
> I also fear that there might be issues with httpclient; from the earlier
> posts I have seen initial donators do not seem to be keen to changes (this
> is understandable because they rely on it for Slide) and from what I
> understood there should have been a 1.0 release done so that work could
> continue on the library. Has it been done yet ? If so, why is Rodney
> comitting changes in another branch ? I also discovered that I have made
> some changes already done by Rodney in his branch ...
> Could we move on quickly on httpclient or should we just consider it as a
> dead project already ?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> P.S.: I hope my message does not come too strong but my concern is simply to
> go forward and help.


Please don't create another version inside cactus.
If you want a stable version you can always use the slide version.
I can merge in your patches, and even help you solve open problems.
Just post to the list, use bugzilla or provide a test case and your problems
will be solved... what more do you want ;-)

HttpURLConnection is a good idea (I like using standard interface) please submit

If you want to continue quickly, do what I did and use the Slide HttpClient
until the problems with commons HttpClient are solved.


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